Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Off To Camp!

The big week is here!!!  My two big boys are experiencing church camp this week.  Last year was the first time that I had a child go away for several days for any type of camp.  I wasn't worried about Braydon because I knew that I would be attending camp as well.  I was intentional to not stand over his shoulder all the time...I wanted him to truly experience church camp without his mom hanging around.  However, their was one thing that truly unnerved me...his clothes!!!  LOL!  I spent so much time organizing his clothes while packing for him.  I had each outfit folded together and undergarments were placed within the clothes for each day.  Although I spent all this time organizing his bag, he not once wore an outfit that I had put together...geez!!!  The camp does a night of Messy Games and the kids are to wear older clothes because of the stains that will take place from this night of fun.  Braydon walked into the area of Messy Games with one of his nicest outfits...ugh!!!

I tried something different this year while packing and it has been a huge success!!!  I put each days clothes in a Ziploc bag and labeled each bag.  I even wrote the boys a note and slid it into each baggie.  A little lovin' from mom to get them going in the morning!  I also made a bag for the shower so that all they would have to do is grab their towel and the shower baggie.  Last year my campers would try to carry everything to the bath house and inevitably someone would loose something EVERY night!  I also made a swim bag for each of them that had sunscreen, bathing suit, and beach towel in one of those pull string satchel bags that we have.  So far, every day that I've seen my kids this week, they've had the right clothes on, been carrying their shower baggie, and have had the swim bag with them!!!  I'm pumped...so far this system is working!   I even think my boys were pleased with this organization.  It was so much easier to pull out a baggie every morning than rummage through their bag. 

My boys are having a blast at camp right now!!!  They are connecting with God and becoming stronger in their own faith walk.  I am truly grateful to all the counselors and directors that are investing in my children this week.  I plan to write each of the counselors that are investing in my boys, a letter of thanks and gratitude, before the end of the week.  I LOVE CAMP LAKEWOOD!!!


  1. Wondering if your car looked as loaded with camp stuff as it did on the late 80's......

  2. HaHaHa...WORSE!!! Back then it was just me...now it is me AND my two boys...OH MY!!!
