Jeff and I have been blessed with a difficult decision. Yes, you read that right...BLESSED with a Difficult Decision. This decision has stretched my Trust Muscles and my faith. It has caused me to jump out of my comfort zone and seek God's will. This decision has blessed my marriage by providing LOTS of communication between Jeff and I! I've treasured our many conversations during the past several weeks. I have been seeking direction from my husband, my family, and my friends. Last week at the lake, I sought wisdom from the greatest place possible...the BIBLE! Here is what I stumbled across when making a difficult decision...
1 Samuel 8:19-22 New Living Translation (NLT)
21 So Samuel repeated to the Lord what the people had said, 22 and the Lord replied, “Do as they say, and give them a king.” Then Samuel agreed and sent the people home.
Life Application...
Samuel carefully explained all the negative consequences of having a king, but the Israelites refused to listen. When you have an important decision to make, weight the positives and negatives carefully, considering EVERYONE who might be affected by your choice. When you want something badly enough, it is difficult to see the potential problems. But don't discount the negatives. Unless you have a plan to handle each one, they will cause you great difficulty later.
So, this got me thinking and I created a plan of action for our family decision...I made a list of all the negatives that would affect everyone in our family. Then, I had Jeff read over the list and he added three additional negatives. At first the list seemed so overwhelming but we are now working together to complete the action plan. I can see how the result of this decision could have failed us if we didn't have these solutions in place. Although this decision will drastically change our family, I feel so much peace that we have prayed and sought out God's Will in this. I am walking with a pep in my step these days! Now just waiting on God's timing for this to be all pieced together!
Have you ever had a difficult decision to answer? I'm certain that this will not be the last time in my life that a decision will be put in front of me. I'm thankful that I have an action plan in place and actually look forward to the day that God calls upon my heart again.
I'm praying and waiting with you!