Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Nicaragua Journal Entry Day #6... El Porvenir

Encouragement note for today...
Allow God to use you today to be a reflection of His love.          
(a pocket mirror was enclosed!)

May the Lord bless you and keep you.  May the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you.  May the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.   Numbers 6:24-26

Yes, dear Lord, protect, shine, and provide peace upon me as we head out to delouse(delice) the community today. I'm feeling a bit uneasy but have trust in you.  Anna has told us to think of this service like the story of Jesus washing the disciples feet.  
When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. “Do you understand what I have done for you?” he asked them. “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.  
John 13: 12-17

Yet again, God had all the details figured out... Amazed? No!  In Awe? Yes!!!  As we arrived with our hats on our heads for this community project, Anna assigned three people to start the delousing.  My first thought was... oh goodness... grateful that it wasn't me to be the one starting this!  Did I just admit that?!?!?! Then, in walks the beautiful Aurora, the lady that blessed my day yesterday.  I immediately jumped up and kicked Uncle Chris out of his spot.  I wanted nothing more than to love on this woman!  She sees me and beams with a smile and says my name.  I began lathering her long hair with the help of Bryce.  Aurora told us how good it felt :)  We smiled and laughed together again.  Once we were done, I knelt to her side and thanked her for allowing me to bless her in this way.  I was truly moved to tears... my heart was completely transformed.  I was reminded of Jesus' words to the disciples, "you know these things - now do them!  That is the path of blessing."  After this blessing, we washed the hair of Aurora's sister and a few others.  I can honestly say it was hard to let others jump in.  I could have deloused all day long!!!

Our time came to an end and we headed once again to the feeding station for our last lunch in El Porvenir.  We ate lunch and played with the kids one final time.  We then gathered the teachers and children to gift them with all the balls, jump ropes, frisbees, etc.  Excitement was certainly evident on the faces of all.
We are ONE!!!
It was now time to tell Wilberth good-bye.  Greta came with me to translate.  I told him that he was special to God, he should stay in school and keep learning, he should obey his father, we will write often, we will pray for him often, and we love him!  He has a special place in my heart!  I snuggled him up with hugs, gave him tickles to lighten the moment, and gave him kisses to remember always!  

I saw his father watching us from the dirt path.  I took Greta's hand and we ran to him.  I told him many of the things that I told Wilberth, particularly that he is a good dad.  

As I walked away the tears were like a waterfall.  I pray that I will be on this soil again someday.  My heart will be leaving El Porvenir with a lot more love tucked inside!

Lord, I pray that I "reflected" your light today.  Please show your favor on this community and give them peace.  

Nicaragua Journal Entry Day #5... El Porvenir

Encouragement note for today...
Give it all you've got!  
Keep Calm and Pray On!  1 Thessalonians 5:17

We worked on the opposite side of the dump today.  As we arrived, the 15 yr. old mother and her husband from yesterday, were digging in the dump for things to be used in their home. They had a plastic bag full of things.  My heart ached watching these "kids" trying to survive.  I started the morning with a heavy heart but with the intent to give it all that I had and for His glory.  

We parked the bus and I stepped out, onto the dump.  The smell was atrocious!!!  The smell of burnt rubber was so heavy in the air. We quickly filled our water bottles and began our walk into the community with a saddened spirit...

We each took a fruit tree and broke up into teams again. Today it was us, the Robrock clan, our translator, Guadalupe, and a lady leader from the community joined us.  Our team walked all the way down the dirt path to the last house, starting backwards with the intent to work forward.  My first reactions were that this side of the dump was more well kept than the other side.  I was told that Food for Hungry has partnered longer on this side, evidence that FH is making a difference!

Going to each home was so very special, yet certain homes stuck out to me today.  We went to a home that a young man was working in his "yard."  He had plants and flowers... Bonito!!  He took pride in his home.  He seemed like a gentle man.  As we spoke with him, he thanked us for the tree.  We asked him if we could pray for over him and he excused himself.  He came back with a shirt on... he couldn't pray without showing respect to Him.  Wow... this needy man taught my boys to humble themselves before the Lord, to prepare themselves when they are going to spend time with Him!  My boys shared this story tonight during our devotions... A beautiful and powerful moment.

Our last visit touched my heart deep down!  The lady that had walked with us all morning, was finally able to get her tree planted.  I wish I would have communicated with her more during our morning because at the end of our time, I couldn't get enough of her!!!  She thanked us over and over for coming into her community with love and friendship.  She said my name several times, kissed my cheeks, and with my face in her hands, she said she would never forget my beautiful face.  She wanted prayer for her tree and for herself to bear fruit...
"Remain in me, and I will remain in you.  For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you can not be fruitful apart from me."  John 15:4
I asked this special lady what her name was, Aurora, because she blessed my day so very much!  She had a smile and an obvious love for the Lord and a true gift of leadership.  She is being trained by FH to become a community leader and it was certainly evident.  Jesus was shining His light through her!  I asked if I could take her picture to remember her face for always.  She then asked if I could send her one.  I hope it will get to her, I plan to mail it to Guadalupe.  Thank you dear Jesus for putting this beautiful woman in my path today.

All morning I saw several butterflies flitting around.  As I left Aurora's home, the colorful butterflies comforted my heart with the feeling of God's presence.  I felt Him whisper Hope on my heart for this community.  I was able to leave with a comfort of His power and love which was such a difference from when I arrived this morning.  The butterfly has new meaning to me and my life...

We left that side of the community to head to the feeding station for lunch and VBS.  I got to see and embrace my boy, Wilberth! He was so eagerly awaiting our arrival!  There were many hugs, high-fives, and giggles... a common language for us!  During craft time the kids made prayer bears with cotton stuffing.  They were each given a Bible verse for the day, written in Spanish, to put into the tummy pocket of the bears!

It was the hottest day yet... WOWSERS!!!  A special treat awaited us.  So, it was time to leave. We gathered in our van and Wilberth ran to the other side to continue waving and high-fiving Bryce.  He didn't want us to leave today.  How, oh how, do we say good-bye to this sweet boy tomorrow?!?!

We pulled away and took a small drive. To the surprise of our kids, we arrived at the Pacific Ocean for an afternoon swim!!! Children filled with joy, took off for the BIG waves!!! We had the beach to ourselves. I took some time to take in the moment.  Being in Nicaragua... making a difference in a community... being filled with a FULL heart... looking at the enormous volcano in front of me... and waves behind me with giggles in the air... I am grateful to be here!  Blessed beyond measure...

At devotions tonight, Jairo spoke about the attitude of the Nicaraguan people.  He stated that the people have a "why bother?" attitude.  They're not happy, not even content, but this is how it is, so why bother.  My heart has been on such a rollercoaster today.  Started off very heavy and worked up to joy and hope but now brought back down.  I'm resting on the encouraging words that I started my day with yesterday...

May the God of Hope fill you with all Joy and Peace as you trust in Him.  Romans 15:13

Nicaragua Journal Entry Day #4... El Porvenir

Encouragement for today...
May the God of Hope fill you with all Joy and Peace as you trust in Him.  Romans 15:13

This morning as we drove into the community, we saw Wilberth at school.  He saw our bus and van pass the school and within a few minutes, he was running down the path to find us.  Our translator was trying to tell him that he needed to be in school but he stood there with a quivering lip and said he wanted to stay with us.  Now, the teacher in me knew he should be in school but the love in my heart wanted him to be with us today.  We allowed him to hang with us, knowing that we have such little time with this precious child.  

It was yet again, another day filled with great joy, love, and friendship!  Our morning was a continuation of yesterday’s.  We walked through the community of El Porvenir to plant lemon and orange trees for more families.  Each family was asked to think about where they would like their tree to be planted and needed to have a hole prepared in advance for us.  It was wonderful to see our children planting these trees, talking to the families, and praying for the them!  After watching the adults yesterday, it was wonderful to see the kids take ownership of this mission. 
Wilberth hit it off so well with my boys.  They were being silly together all day.  Wilberth was wearing his best clothes today, knowing that we were coming to visit.  Yes, it was 100* and he was wearing long sleeves but it was his finest.  Although they were his best, his britches were huge!!!  We kept telling him to pull his pants up and he would just giggle :)

Wilberth walked with us to each house planting the trees.  We held hands, hugged, and laughed often... it was happiness to my heart!  He was truly like my own son.

Once we completed our tree planting, we ventured to the feeding center for our lunch.  Our team has bonded so well.  The kids have all become united and the adults are building great relationships also.  There has been no complaining, not even from our children!  This has been an exhausting few days yet everyone continues to be filled with such happiness!  The Holy Spirit has certainly been present and at work in the hearts of many. 
After lunch we were able to have our “official” visit with our sponsor family.  As we arrived at the home, the father, Paster, was borrowing chairs from his sister’s home to bring over to his home so that we would all have a seat.  He welcomed us to what he said "his little yet humble home."  The interpretor asked him to share with us about his family.  Wilberth had a sister... she was 7 years old and died two years ago from heart difficulties.  That caused great sadness in their home during that time and his wife left with another man.  Paster has stepped up to be the best dad that he can be and works very hard to provide for Wilberth.  He showed us a picture of Wilberth and his sister.  My heart aches for this man.  You could see the sadness in his face.  Once we were done chatting for a bit, he spoke with the translator and left for a moment.  She was obviously touched by his words and she told us that he had a gift for us.  She said that he knew we couldn’t drink their water so he went and bought water bottles for my family and the translators.  Now, you might think, well that was nice.  But my heart was feeling transformed by the sacrificial love of this man.  He came back with 6 cold water bottles.  He had rode his bike to the local store to get us water bottles AND he spent approximately three days earnings on this water.  I’m certain that he sacrificed a few meals to provide for us.  I can’t imagine taking that much of my weekly earnings and handing it over so graciously and selflessly as he did.  It brought tears to my eyes.  What a gift.
We were able to give Wilberth a Spanish Bible,
Ritz crackers, and toothbrush/paste set.
I am trying to prepare myself for our final goodbye.  It will most certainly be a difficult moment.  I pray that you will be touched by this story.  I challenge you to think about child sponsorship.  What could you sacrifice to provide hope for a family?  It will be one of the best decisions you ever make...  If you are interested, go the Food For the Hungry website and seek a child today!  A small influence can make a BIG impact!
My Sweet Boy!
“If you spend yourselves on behalf of the hungry, and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in darkness and your night will become like noonday.  The Lord will guide you always... You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.”                Isaiah 58:10-11

Monday, August 13, 2012

Nicaragua Journal Entry Day #3... El Porvenir

Encouragement for today...
"And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive."  Matthew 21:21-22

Lord, I ask today that we might impact some lives today, including our own!  I pray for safety, and for our ability to love the needy unconditionally!!  I hope our day can go smoothly.  I can't wait to shine your light :)

Wow!!!  The most beautiful and amazing day :)  We drove to the community of El Porvenir, about 15 minutes from our hotel in Chinandega.  We drove down a dirt path to get there.  My heart was full of sadness upon arriving and seeing the poverty.  The animals are all bony and skinny.  The houses are made of trash, long plastic sheets, and aluminum roofing.  However, when we got out of our van, the community people gathered all around to watch us while we were introduced to the FH staff.  Then, we broke into groups to begin our mission of planting lemon and orange trees for the families.  Our group (Pete & Anna with us) went to our first house.  Braydon and Bryce planted our first tree for a dad and his son.  The families had to decide ahead of time where they wanted their tree and had to have a hole dug and ready for us.  

While the boys were planting the tree, we were talking to the dad.  He told us his son's name was Wilberth, sounds like Wilber.  Im thinking... "What are the chances that this is OUR Wilberth?!?!?!"  We began asking questions about his sponsor.  The dad walked away and went into his home and came out with some tattered and dirty letters... they were OUR letters!!!!!  I was SO excited!!!  The Lord had this all planned... our first stop!!!  I realized at that very moment just how important our letters are.  They have very little but it was obvious that our letters meant something special to this family.  I prayed with Wilberth and his dad.  

We presented the tree to them as a reminder of our friendship and God's greatness of life.  Praying the tree brings much fruit to them physically and spiritually!  Wilberth and his friends followed us the rest of the morning... SO special!!!

We continued to plant trees for other families.  I was so proud of Braydon.  He did all the planting and pushed the wheelbarrow through the community.  Both boys were so loving to the people, it made my heart happy :)

At noon we went to the FH feeding station, which our last ECC team helped build. 

There is a team of moms that come to the station to cook food on two stoves for the kids.  FH has done an amazing job of beginning to equip this community to work hard for each other.  

The kids started showing up, each with a bowl and spoon.  Most of the bowls were dirty.  Jairo asked the ECC kids to serve the community kids.  It was beautiful to see our children serving in this way with such joy!

Once the kids were done eating, we started our VBS programming.  I hung out with the craft team to work on learning the names of the kids from the name tags that they were creating.
Helping Wilberth cut his puppet :)
We left the community to head back to the hotel for the kids to swim for a few hours before dinner :)

We gathered at 7pm for devotions.  We talked about what poverty means...

...God's concern for the poor is a central theme in the Bible.  Over 400 verses, sprinkled throughout every genre of scripture, speak about God's passion for the needy and His desire that His followers share that passion.  Whenever we are passionate about something, we talk about it often.  God, through His word, speaks frequently about the poor and needy.  Poor = Those whom lack both the material necessities of life and suffer from low social status and vulnerability to oppression.  He displays "tender mercies" to the poor and needy, desiring that they find refuge, protection, and provision.

"Blessed is he who has regard for the poor."  Psalm 41:1

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Nicaragua Journal Entry #2... Arrival in Managua and Chinandega

Encouragement note for today...
Relax... "Be still & know that I am God." Psalm 46:10

A fairly good night sleep.  The TV went off at 4am from a previous guest setting the alarm.  The hotel alarm clock went off at 6:30am... grrr!!!  Luckily, we fell back asleep until 9:30am!  We are preparing for more travel today.  Leaving the hotel at 10:30am for the airport.  Flight is at 12:45pm...
At the Miami airport, again!

This plane is much nicer :)  Trying to understand all the turmoil we've had but holding onto my encouragement from my prayer partner today.  The bookmark she had for me was perfect!  Keeping these words close to my heart today...

Listen! Be Still!
He is God.  Your refuge, your fort, your continued help.

We arrived in Managua at 1pm.  However, our luggage was not at the airport.  It came earlier and was placed in an American Airlines building.  Jairo, the Food for Hungry director and our partner, met us at the airport with a bus and a van.  Off we went to look for our luggage.  Yes, yet again, another obstacle to our travels.  They wouldn't release the luggage because of all the vitamins that we brought.  Since it was a Sunday, there wasn't anyone in the office to help us.  We waited in the van for about an hour and a half.  Finally the moms and kids loaded into the van and were taken to the Nehemiah Center Facility to play for a bit.  This is the Christian organization that Jairo works with.  It took another hour to get there.  The culture outside our windows was so different.  Children and people were standing/sitting in backs of trucks, entire families on motorcycles with babies and no helmets, vehicles packed to the gills with people, no car seats anywhere, lots of bicycles with multiple people riding on them, and there was trash everywhere!!!  The kids saw the houses that looked nothing like their own.  Thew were intrigued by the 3-wheel cars :)
Coca Cola and Toyota was everywhere!

It was a long drive but we made it!  The Nehemiah Training Hut was beautiful!  Hammocks surrounded the outside of the hut... the kids loved them!!!  There was a corner filled with rocking chairs.  The FH staff had a lunch awaiting for us.  Our first Nicaraguan meal.  I was so hesitant but it was delicious!!!!  The potato was awesome!!  The kids were able to walk around the beautiful grounds.  There was a tiny park to play at and chickens, dogs, and birds were roaming all over.  It was certainly a refreshing few hours!
Nehemiah Center
Braydon enjoying the hammock :)

We left there and drove an additional 3 hours to Chinandega.  I was told that one of my luggage pieces was missing and it had my CPAP machine in it.  On the long drive, I began praying... feeling very defeated with all the hurdles we've endured and now I don't have my sleeping machine.  I then realized that all of our daily encouragements from our prayer partners were also in that luggage.  Is this another attack?  Trying to remember... Be still and know that I am God!  I then, tell the kids what else was missing and Braydon says, "Mom, I got that suitcase at the airport!"  I completely doubted him... I had checked and we only had 4 of our 5 suitcases.  The one that was missing was the one that we plane-side checked.  But sure enough, we had it!  Truly thankful for this answered prayer at the most perfect timing... when I was crying out to Him!

We arrived at the hotel at 8pm Nicaraguan time.  It is gorgeous!  They had a cart of lime tea for us... amazing!  I don't like tea but this was delicioso!!!  We were poolside with refreshing drinks in hand while Jairo was getting us checked in.
We made it!!!
Bonito (Beautiful)!!!

Our room is wonderful.  The kids love the walk-in shower!!  The tropical greenery here is gorgeous.  This looks nothing like the rest of the country that we've seen thus far!  Grateful to be staying here.  We had dinner at 8:30pm... we felt like royalty.  Again, I loved the potato dish... yummo!
This is where we ate all of our meals.

We just took showers and everyone is finally in clean unders from our two day travels without luggage.  Off to bed we go at 10pm.  We head to the community tomorrow... yay!  Our backpacks are packed and ready to go.  We've conquered so much to get here.  The Lord must be rejoicing in our efforts to unify for His glory... nothing is going to dampen our spirits!

Nicaragua Journal Entry #1... Travel Day

Left at 6am to depart for Nicaragua.  Very painful good-bye with Rylan.  He was so very sad, which broke my heart!  Mom and Bill were at the church to see us off too.  Mom and Jeff had tears which made it even more difficult.  My heart is so very heavy for Rylan.  I've never seen that kind of sadness from him before :(

Deuteronomy 31:6
Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.
Nicaragua Family Team
Now awaiting our flight.  Been waiting a long time!  The boys have been very patient waiting for their first airplane ride.  We are a bit anxious about the flight because our seats are not together.  The boys are very nervous.  We're being put to the test!

While emotions are high, we opened our ENGAGE partners, Jim and Becky Cates, daily encouragements.  They were perfect!!!  All about Trust!  "When I am afraid, I will trust in you."  Psalm 56:3... I am now wearing the trust bracelet as an amazing reminder and encouragement :)  Thank you Becky for blessing us from afar!  The boys are wearing their necklaces... so cool!

It was difficult but we were able to sit together!!!  Grateful for that answered prayer!  Due to mechanical issues, our flight was considerably delayed.  Therefore, we missed our second flight... ugh!!!  We waited at the rescheduling booth for over 2 hours in Miami to get 26 new seats on a flight for tomorrow along with hotel and food vouchers for all 26 of us!  Got our vouchers at 10:30pm.  Everyone is SO hungry and tired.  We grabbed dinner and took a shuttle to a Comfort Inn and Suites.  It once again, took forever!!!  We got to our room at 11:45pm.  This has certainly been a LONG day...
Surviving at the airport!
Waiting for our hotel key!
Although this was a difficult day, I believe it unified us as a team!  We are ready to impact many lives this week... we are strong and courageous!!!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Prayer Requests :)

The packing is complete!  It took a lot of rearranging for all of our suitcases to weigh less than 50 pounds!!!  Our luggage is on the bus and ready for departure at 6am tomorrow morning.

At this very moment I am filled with so many emotions... enthusiasm, fear, giddiness, anxiousness, joy, sadness (leaving hubby and Rylan), and yet feeling blessed with calmness and peace.  We have seen God's mighty hands in our preparations for this trip.  I am certain that this is what and where he has called me and my boys to embark on.  I am honored to have this opportunity and I can't wait to love on the people in Nicaragua.  As with any work on the mission field, there comes some fears.  If we are not willing to experience some fear in life, then we won't have the opportunity to feel the exhilaration of true joy!  For all of my prayer pals out there, will you join me in prayer this week?  I am praying that the Lord would plant the Holy Spirt deep into the souls of our mission team so that we might impact the world for the good of Him!  More specifically, my prayers are...
Braydon - A physical prayer for Braydon is to not get sick during travel.  He gets motion sick very easily.  I have Dramamine packed and ready for the drive and on the plane.  Spiritually, I pray that his heart will be transformed from a "me" perspective to a bigger picture.  That he would be able to love on this community as willingly and easily as he does on children here in our own community!  My biggest prayer is that Braydon sees Jesus in everything we do!  That he grows closer in his personal relationship with Him.  That when he returns, he will shine God's light in middle school!

Bryce - That he would come home and not be so concerned about what we have/don't have.  That he would be impacted by the poverty of what we see and that his view changes on materialism.  I pray that he will be able to overcome any fears that he may have during this adventure.  He's my anxious one :)  I'm concerned about his tummy.  He has a weak stomach and the food concerns me as well.  He's not one to be outdoors due to extreme allergies.  The allergist stated that it will be tough for him in this environment... prayers that he physically feels well enough and sustains the stamina to keep going each day.  Lastly, I pray that his relationship with Jesus will also deepen during our time away.  I hope that he bonds well with Wilberth, our sponsored child, and begins passionately praying for this young boy.  My greatest desire is that Bryce would grow deeper in his faith journey.

Shandra - Where do I begin?  Ha!!!  I am praying that first and foremost, I relax and enjoy loving on the people in Nicaragua.  That everything I do there is kept in line with what Jesus has in store for me!  This is for Him, not me!  I'm praying for stamina during the heat... I don't like being hot!  When I get super hot and am in the sun for great lengths, I get extreme migraines that make me nonfunctionable!!!  I'm praying that I can lead well... with a constant smile and nurturing spirit for our team... I tend to get frustrated when things don't go according to plan and I understand that flexibility is key but when I'm hot and tired, my smile tends to drift... praying that the Lord intervenes and gives me more strength and patience than I even knew possible!!!!  I get tired very easily due to my thyroid and I am praying for the Lord to shower me with much energy!!!  I'm a pretty fickle eater... praying that I can eat with a thankful heart!  Emotionally, I am going to need lifted often that my spirits stay strong during the heart ache of leaving my husband and youngest at home.  I've been gone so much lately as it is that I am already missing them terribly!  And to know that I won't have much contact with them while I'm gone is difficult to think about.  On top of that, I need to be lifted to stay emotionally strong for my two boys that will be with me.  Without having my husband to help lead the way for my boys, I need to stay strong for them.  I pray that I can be a Godly example for my own children!  

Of course, safety for all three of us is heavy on my heart as well!  
I leave tonight with this planted on my heart...

Matthew 25: 34-40
34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’