Friday, June 24, 2011

A Simple Summer

Today was a great day spent in our jammies :)  Rylan and Bryce took one of our comforters and made a "fort" in the living room on the couch.  So many of my own summer memories came flooding back to me!

  • My brother and I cleaning our bedrooms and placing our stuffed animals strategically all over the room!
  • A sleepover in our backyard in the large parents took out some mattresses and even a TV for us!!!  I remember watching Miss America...LOL!!!
  • Summer activities in the pavilion at the Roanoke park!  We even rode our bikes there several times.
  • Climbing trees way up high!
  • Exploring through the woods and the unfinished concrete basement next door to us...we would always find bird nests there!
  • The 4th of July fireworks at my Aunt Cathy's house on blankets in her backyard.
  • Running through the pine trees to get to my neighbors house...we called them grandma & grandpa!  
  • Snapping green beans with our neighbors...Grandma and Grandpa Worster.
  • Playing restaurant in the Worster's shed with Jodi and Cory (their grandkids).
  • Picking raspberries with my mom. 
  • Camping with my dad in his pop-up camper. 
  • Canoe rides through all the lily pads with my Grandma Barnes in search of turtles.
  • Making homemade ice cream with my Grandpa Ward.

I'm left pondering today...what is on my summer agenda that will instill Simple Memories that will be treasured many years from now for my children?  I'm listing a few, in hopes that you might be inspired as I was today to provide simple moments for your children!

  • Making tents and Forts!
  •  Singing and Dancing on the bed...shhhh!  I'm not supposed to know about this one...they would get in big trouble for this ;)
  • Sleeping in the basement on the pull-out couch and having a movie night...popcorn too!  
  • Legos, Legos, Legos!  
  • Hours of Hot Wheels...lining them up, making houses, playing on the town mat that we got from a garage sale! 
  • The Brother this!  Braydon and Rylan are guitarists and Bryce is the drummer...they made signs for their band, too!  Our loft was transformed into a stage...LOL!
  • Smores...they now have JUMBO marshmallows & strawberry marshmallows!  Oh so tasty!
  • Campfire Pudgy is the family favorite!  
  • One Stop Snack Shop...the kids set up a potato chip and water stand at our garage register and signs included!
  • Neighborhood Fun...riding bikes & scooters, playing baseball, hanging out at the neighbor's houses...oh we love our cul-de-sac!
  • Swingset Smiles :)
  • Catching Fireflies in our bug jars!
  • Making paper airplanes and sending them in flight from the loft!
  • Sidewalk Chalk, Water Guns, Sprinklers, & of course, POPSICLES!
  • Letterboxing!!!  (see previous post!)
  • Swimming at the lake.
  • Library visits to participate in their summer activities...The Hot Wheels Rally was this week and the boys had great success with their chosen Hot Wheel cars!
  • Rave Summer Movies...the free ones each week!!!
  • Annual KidsFest...our church's version of VBS.
We have many special "day" trips planned this summer as well, but my heart was focused on the simple pleasures today!  Thank you Lord, for whispering in my heart to Treasure even the Simplest of our Summer Moments!  What simple things have your kids been up to? 

Monday, June 20, 2011

The Father's In My Life!

I am blessed to have several Dad's in my life!  As I sit and reflect on this Father's Day weekend, I am thankful for all of these men and honored to be part of their family! 

My Dad...Dave
This is a man of few words but he has a BIG heart!  I have had many opportunities placed in my path during the past year.  I have embraced the talks with my dad about God's plan for my life.  I do most of the talking during any and all of our conversations, yet when my dad speaks, it is treasured!  He has voiced a few times in my adult life some powerful words...words of joy, pride, and love.  I am truly a daddy's girl...I love smooching on my hugging on my spending time with my dad!  I love that my dad can see the worst of me, the broken me, the ugly me, and he doesn't judge me...he loves me all the same!  I am blessed, truly blessed, to have a daddy as wonderful as he!

My Step-Dad...Bill
Bill has been my dad since I was four years old.  I am honored to call him my dad.  The day he married my mom, he took two more children into his and my brother, Josh.  Blending a family is tough stuff but Bill has ALWAYS loved us like his own.  One of my favorite memories with Bill was on my wedding day.  I have two fathers, how do I choose just one to walk me down the aisle?  The father that raised me or the father that brought me life...I couldn't choose...therefore, they BOTH walked me down the aisle.  A beautiful moment for me indeed!!!
I can't overlook the past two months...Bill's concern, care, love, and support during my medical trials these past several weeks have truly touched my heart.  During Jeff's absence, Bill was a source of strength for me.  He offered to help with the kids...getting them to and from their events.  He spoke with his doctor friends about my symptoms.  He called me often to check in.  Wow, I treasure and love him! 

My Husband...Jeff
My forever partner, my friend.  Jeff is a wonderful dad to three energetic boys!  Rylan came running up from the basement yesterday while we were preparing for our families to arrive for a small cookout and announced that he wanted his grill brought upstairs to be just like daddy!  In the midst of the chaos of getting the house and food prepared, I was filled with joy when Jeff stopped what he was doing and with a happy heart, he went downstairs and brought up the grill!  This was such a highlight for Rylan!!!  Thankful today for a husband that treasures time with his family.

My Father-In-Law...Ron
My husband has had an amazing father to look up to for many years.  Ron is a selfless person who would do anything and everything for anyone.  He has stayed by his wife's side even while they are apart.  Jeff's mom, Norma, was admitted to a nursing home one year ago.  I see the hurt in Ron's eyes yet the love in his heart is so evident.  He visits Norma for several hours every day.  Thank you Ron for the son you raised and allowing me to take your name.  I wear the name "Hathaway" with great pride :)

My Father Almighty
Everything that I have...Everything that I because of my father above.  I treasure that I am unconditionally loved!!!

  • I  have a daddy who loves me.
  • He is strong enough to protect me.
  • He is engaged enough to teach me.
  • He is tender enough to hug me.
  • He is alive enough to play with me.
How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!                  1 John 3:1

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


As a parent, we are in need of making decisions for our children daily.  The topic of sleepovers is one of those decisions that is weighing on my heart heavily.  My oldest son is extremely upset with me that I did not allow him to spend the night at a birthday party this weekend.  We opted to pick him up at 11pm instead.  When Jeff went to pick him up the other boys were teasing Braydon...sigh :(  Once Braydon got home, he immediately went to the bathroom and shed some tears.  He then spent his last awake moments feeling anger toward me and sadness that he couldn't stay with his friends...he cried himself to sleep.  My heart was hurting...truly hurting!

So, this has me thinking about what our family rule should be about sleepovers... We've never had a rule about has always just been a judgment call.  We've had a situation in the past where a sleepover turned extremely bad...rocked my world as a parent.  And yes, friends, this was a good friend of mine...NOT someone that I didn't know!  I can't caution you enough about sleepovers!  As I reflect on my own sleepovers as a child...there is one sleepover that has left an image in my head, even all these years later!!!  After some discussions with my hubby and the tug on my heart that I feel the Lord has placed, we have decided no more sleepovers for the Hathaway kids unless it is with family....ugh...there, I said it...this is SO hard for me to say and will be harder to follow through with but I believe this has been placed on my heart for a reason.

I've had a lot of discussion about this with many friends and family lately.  Yes, I know that I can't keep my children living in a bubble...but I do make them wear seatbelts for safety, I do make them wear bike helmets for safety, I do make them wear shinguards at soccer for safety...therefore, I'm just arming them for safety... It is going to be a difficult change for our family but I believe that it will become easier in time.  My kids hop in the van and put on their seatbelts out of habit...I'm hoping that at some point it will be easier for my kids to just say, "nope, we don't do sleepovers."  Lord, please make this decision lighter on my kid's hearts.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Our Medical Results

Yesterday was a BIG day in the house of the Hathaway's!  Our morning started off at 2:30am when Bryce woke up and was unable to get back to sleep...he was so nervous.  I finally turned the TV on for him at 4am and I got an additional 30 minutes in before it was time to arise for our day.  Bryce had some preparations that needed done before we left for the hospital.  It is one thing when I am sick but it is another when you are watching your child in tears and was a rough morning indeed.  We arrived at the hospital at 6:30am and everything went quickly and smoothly...we felt ALL the prayers throughout our time in pre-op.  Unfortunately, Bryce inherited my veins and the nurse was unable to get the IV in so they called for the IV team to come and try his other hand.  That was the end of his pain and discomfort!  I prayed with Bryce right before they gave him the laughing gas.  It only took a few minutes and he was truly loopy!!!   Ironically, Bryce was at his happiest moment and this is when I fell apart...seeing him hooked up to so many wires, IV, and laying in the bed, overwhelmed me.  Then, it was time to wait...

The doctor came out 20 minutes later and his first words were, "Everything looks good...Everything is clear!"  Breathe...yes, I took a deep breath and rejoiced!  We sat down and he went over the pictures of his stomach.  He does have Irritable Bowel Syndrome and we are awaiting the results from several biopsies.  He is restricted to a bland diet for the next two weeks with Benefiber and a medication before each meal.  We go back to the gastroenterologist once the results of the biopsies are, we wait again...

Once Bryce was released, we got him home and comfortable and then I headed to my much awaited rheumatology appointment.  I sat down and began explaining my symptoms.  Dr. Reddy's response, "I'm not sure why your doctor sent you to me...a neurologist is a much better fit for your symptoms."  Seriously?!?!?!!?!  I specifically asked my doctor that very question and was told to start with rheumatology.  So again friends, we wait... I am now scheduled to see a neurologist on June 23rd and a rehab doctor on June 27th.  The rheumie doc is recommending an MRI of my brain and back.  Also recommending an EMG of all the nerves in my arms, neck and back (this is a bunch of needles poked into all of my nerves to see where the pain is originating from).  The MRI will be scheduled through the neurologist and the EMG will be done through the rehab doctor.  I am certain that I will be seeing the right doctors this time...I just wish that I wouldn't have needed to waste the last 8 weeks.  Living in the unknown and pain is a bit frustrating.  However, the appointment wasn't a total bust...she did rule out fibromyalgia and believes that I do not have an auto immune disease!  She also diagnosed me with Osteoarthritis in my right knee and possibly the left.  She has given me exercises to begin on my quads for the arthritis. 

I am grateful that my thyroid is getting under control and that my energy level rises each day :)  I am thankful that I am entering my last week of school.  I have peace with any diagnosis that is made.  I am filled with hope...believing that when the diagnosis is made, it will just be a matter of physical therapy and medications to get me feeling well.  I have learned the beginning of this journey, I drove myself crazy trying to take control and now, I am allowing God to navigate this ride!  I am filled with joy today that the sun is shining and my son is smiling! 

On my way home from my appointment yesterday this song came on the radio... Let Faith Arise!!!  Powerful and comforting words!!!  Click the YouTube links below...

I Lift My Hands...Behind the Song

I Lift My Hands by Chris Tomlin

Psalm 28
6 Praise the Lord!
      For he has heard my cry for mercy.
 7 The Lord is my strength and shield.
      I trust him with all my heart.
   He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy.
      I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Pillow Journals

Today has been bittersweet...I am saddened that my son is on day three of drinking Miralax (3X each day) and is on a liquid diet ALL day today...I am also nervous about putting Bryce to sleep tomorrow and what the doctors might find...However, I am looking forward to the results to move forward and help my little man become well...I am also thankful, truly thankful, for all the texts, emails and messages that we have received today for prayers that are being lifted!  I know one thing for certain...we can trust Jesus!  As I entered this day with so many emotions for my children...I chose to write in my kid's pillow journals.

I have a journal for each of my children that is just for me and them (and daddy on occasion too!)  I use this journal for encouraging words to my children.  I was hesitant when I started these journals thinking that my oldest would think this was a bit corny.  To my surprise, he is the one that often reminds me that I haven't written in his journal lately.  I have realized that it is so easy to smother my youngest with hugs and smooches but my 10 year old that is almost my height and is wearing the same size shoes as me, is a bit harder to snuggle up with and love on with kisses.  Therefore, I'm finding that he truly cherishes these words of affirmation!

The way our journals work is that they are kept on a bookshelf in my office.  When I am feeling the nudge to write something to my kiddos, I pull it out and begin writing.  Sometimes, it is just a few words...a quick note and other times, it is a longer letter of praise!  I place the journal on that child's pillow and when they go to bed, they see the journal and can read it.  They then have the option to put the journal back on the bookshelf or to write a note back to me and place it on MY pillow!

As my children get older and communication may get harder, I am hopeful that this will be a place of trust and safety that they can go to.  I try to treasure my children even in the small moments with these journals.  It may be as simple as "I was so proud of you at soccer today for helping your opposing teammate get up when he fell!"  Today I wrote in all three journals.  Braydon received praise for his play last night...I was a proud momma!  Bryce received words of encouragement for tomorrow and comforting words that Jesus is always with him!  Rylan's journal was filled with happy thoughts...his smile lights up my day!

I got this idea from the Family Minute website.  They sell Pillow Talk Journals for $15 each.  I've included the link if you are interested.  I loved this idea but didn't want to spend $67 for three, I created my own!  Our journals are nothing is the words inside that are special!