Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Preparing for the Last Day

My life keeps moving faster, stealing precious days that pass.  I want to hold on longer, I want to recognize your lasts...Let me hold on longer, God, to every precious last.   Karen Kingsbury

The year went by so very quickly.  I will send my children off today as a kindergartner, third grader, and fifth grader.  They will return home as a first grader, fourth grader, and MIDDLE SCHOOLER!!!  I plan to savor this last day of elementary school with Braydon.

I am so very grateful for all the teachers at Haverhill that worked so hard to make the transition to their new school as smooth as possible.  I appreciate their investment in my children's emotional and academic being.  I put together some fun gifts for those special people today!

For the classroom teachers :)
For all the special area teachers that also poured into my boys this year!

I switched my day off this week so that I could be part of this day with my children.  I'm looking forward to taking them Subway for lunch and enjoying Zesto's after school with some close friends :)

Friends savor today!  Take time to celebrate and hold onto this day with your children!  As you look ahead and dream of days that haven't come to pass, don't miss today's sweet precious last!!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Dinner Theater - Beauty and the Beast!

For fourteen years, I watched the fifth grade plays at school and felt such pride watching my previous students up on the stage performing!  It was always so wonderful to see how mature "my" kids had gotten  since kindergarten.  This year I wasn't the teacher in the audience, I was the mom and WOW, I am bursting with pride!  Where do I begin?!?!?!

Braydon has grown up so quickly this year.  For the past two months, he has set his own alarm and gotten up early every day on his own!!!  He gets dressed, makes his breakfast, and gathers his items needed for the day.  He has exhibited such grown up independence!  This in itself, makes me proud of him!

The past few weeks, I had been spending time at the school preparing all the props for the Beauty and the Beast production.  The first time that I saw Braydon on stage performing as Maurice, Belle's father, I was in awe.  He was really good, no bias here of course!!!  Seriously though, he spoke clearly and audibly.  He seemed very comfortable on the stage!

Then, tonight to see my young man in full costume, just made my hurt burst with joy!!  He had a large fan club in the audience.  Six grandparents, Brothers, Friends of the Family, and Neighbors.  I am so grateful for the people that poured into Braydon this evening.  What a special and beautiful night for him to remember :)

I must say, to see him dressed and act like a father, made my heart skip a beat!  I'm watching my son grow up very quickly but I'm SO very excited for him!!!  We embraced the dinner theater as a celebration of the elementary years!  His time is almost complete and I'm choosing to celebrate that with him!  He's ready to move on to bigger responsibilities, more independence, and freedom!

As proud as I am of Braydon's stage performance tonight, I was just as proud of his kind spirit that he exhibited.  On the way home he was telling me, in a matter of fact way, that he would be praying for a friend to feel better before the next performance on Thursday.  He shared with me their conversation and the words of encouragement that he spoke.  That's my boy!!!  Then, he was concerned about two adults and the words that were spoken between them... he was very concerned for the one adult.... again, his words were encouraging and so very grown up!  The conversation then lead to Braydon sharing that one of the cast members had messed up on one of the songs.  Braydon said that no one in the audience would have even known but the fifth graders knew because of how much they had memorized all the parts.  He said that this cast member was ready to cry but that the kids were building him up and he felt much better!  Lastly, Braydon thanks me for all the work I did with the props...  Braydon, I am SO VERY PROUD of the man you are becoming!  My heart is full... you've made me proud to be your mom!  I know that the Lord has great plans for you.  I am truly honored that He has allowed me to take the front seat in the journey.  I love you buddy!  I'm proud of you!  I believe in you always!

Maurice, Belle's Father
Beauty and the Beast 
Haverhill Elementary
Fifth Grade Dinner Theater

Friday, May 11, 2012

Reflections from Mother's Day in Kindergarten

I heard Rylan when he was waking up this morning and he was whispering to himself, "It's mommy day, It's mommy day!"  Then, my bedroom door swung open and my sweet little man came running in to announce that it was "Mommy's Day"!!!  He was so keyed up.  He got all dressed up for this special day!  My attire was complete when I put on a beautiful pin that Rylan made me last year in preschool :)
Upon arriving at school this afternoon, the moms were waiting outside the kindergarten room looking at the artwork.  The kids wrote about their moms and drew a picture.  I first looked at the pictures and picked out the one that I thought was Rylan's.  I knew it was his after I started reading!!!  Oh, how this made me smile!
The teacher had the kids come out in the hallway and walk us into the room!  Rylan held my hand and pulled out my chair for me... so sweet!  The kids sang us two Mother's Day songs...
Then, we were invited to enjoy a few snacks.  However, we were to be treated as queens and the children had to serve the mom's.  So, Rylan went off to gather my plate.  Again, so sweet!
While we were finishing up our food that the children had prepared for us, the teacher presented some awards.  Each mom was awarded a beautiful flower pen for what she does the best.  It was our turn... "Rylan's mom is the best at being a church teacher!"  Rylan was grinning from ear to ear... he was so very proud!

To top off the afternoon, we were given a Mother's Day gift... a Kindergarten handprint!  I LOVE this!!!  I made these for my kindergarteners and I was so very pleased to have one for my little man!  I will cherish it always :)
The day together was beautiful!  I awoke this morning with a prayer of great thanksgiving.  A year ago today, I had a sub filling in for me for the Mother's Day tea because I had taken a medical leave just two days prior.  The day after the tea party last year, Bryce was admitted to the hospital and Jeff was gone for six weeks due to business.  One year ago, I was suffering... I was weak... I was broken... Today, I am healed... I am strong... I am full of joy!!!!  The Lord stood by my side and held me up.  It took several months of pain and sadness but I can honestly say, a year later, I am grateful for the journey!  Seeing the big picture now of what God had planned during all of that pain, makes me smile!  I love sharing my testimony... I love where God has lead me... Yes, today was wonderful and beautiful!  I woke up today with a healthy family, a wonderful new career, and a stronger faith... Wow!
If you are struggling today, I pray that you reach for the Lord's hand... he will lead if you surrender.  It may not be the answer that you understand but take his lead, He WILL comfort you, He DOES love you...
Happy Mother's Day to all you wonderful mothers out there!