Monday, October 31, 2011

5th Grade Halloween

I have to be honest.... I got a phone call last week that Braydon's class was in need of a room mom because the current room mom had moved away...I really didn't want this job!  With Halloween a week away, I decided to take on the party for the sake of the kid's.  I was a bit overwhelmed last week with all the planning, communicating with parents, purchasing supplies, and making the food.  However, I had SO MUCH FUN!!!  I was back in my teaching mode :)  Braydon called Jeff after school to inform him that the party was "Awesome!"  It was nice to meet other parents and be apart of Braydon's class.  Although it was a long week, it was certainly worth it!
Scary Punch with floating skeleton hand!
Mummy Hot Dogs!  The kids loved these!!!
"Finger" Food - carrots & dip... large carrots created a hand
Witch Fingers - cheese sticks (my mom made these!)
Halloween Parade...Braydon is an 80's Rock Star!
Here comes the kindergartners... Rylan is a soldier!
The third graders are parading... Bryce is a werewolf (against my better judgement!)
Playing "Monster Stomp"  - The kids each had two balloons, one tied to each ankle and they had to stomp each other balloons.  When their balloons were stomped(popped), they were out.  Braydon won in his group :)  The kids loved this!
Enjoying food and friends!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Pumpkin Train

I was driving home from work last week and in awe of the painted landscape out my windows!  The colorful trees took my breath away...truly!  I knew that I had the upcoming Saturday off of work and I wanted to take advantage of the beautiful weather and enjoy some bonding with my family.  So, we headed off to North Judson, IN, to the Hoosier Valley Railroad Museum.  

After the long drive, we pulled into the station and the kids immediately were filled with enthusiasm!  We spent time walking through a few old train cars that had memorabilia inside...

1970's Train Car!
After walking around the grounds, the train was finally coming!!!

Rylan was the first to board the train...

We chose to sit in the open train car to enjoy the beautiful weather...

The conductor taking our tickets...

We were able to stand and lean on the ledge to view the landscape!  We went on a bridge, over a was GORGEOUS!

Headed to the pumpkin park...

Back at the train station... A beautiful day with my family!