Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Nicaragua Journal Entry Day #5... El Porvenir

Encouragement note for today...
Give it all you've got!  
Keep Calm and Pray On!  1 Thessalonians 5:17

We worked on the opposite side of the dump today.  As we arrived, the 15 yr. old mother and her husband from yesterday, were digging in the dump for things to be used in their home. They had a plastic bag full of things.  My heart ached watching these "kids" trying to survive.  I started the morning with a heavy heart but with the intent to give it all that I had and for His glory.  

We parked the bus and I stepped out, onto the dump.  The smell was atrocious!!!  The smell of burnt rubber was so heavy in the air. We quickly filled our water bottles and began our walk into the community with a saddened spirit...

We each took a fruit tree and broke up into teams again. Today it was us, the Robrock clan, our translator, Guadalupe, and a lady leader from the community joined us.  Our team walked all the way down the dirt path to the last house, starting backwards with the intent to work forward.  My first reactions were that this side of the dump was more well kept than the other side.  I was told that Food for Hungry has partnered longer on this side, evidence that FH is making a difference!

Going to each home was so very special, yet certain homes stuck out to me today.  We went to a home that a young man was working in his "yard."  He had plants and flowers... Bonito!!  He took pride in his home.  He seemed like a gentle man.  As we spoke with him, he thanked us for the tree.  We asked him if we could pray for over him and he excused himself.  He came back with a shirt on... he couldn't pray without showing respect to Him.  Wow... this needy man taught my boys to humble themselves before the Lord, to prepare themselves when they are going to spend time with Him!  My boys shared this story tonight during our devotions... A beautiful and powerful moment.

Our last visit touched my heart deep down!  The lady that had walked with us all morning, was finally able to get her tree planted.  I wish I would have communicated with her more during our morning because at the end of our time, I couldn't get enough of her!!!  She thanked us over and over for coming into her community with love and friendship.  She said my name several times, kissed my cheeks, and with my face in her hands, she said she would never forget my beautiful face.  She wanted prayer for her tree and for herself to bear fruit...
"Remain in me, and I will remain in you.  For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you can not be fruitful apart from me."  John 15:4
I asked this special lady what her name was, Aurora, because she blessed my day so very much!  She had a smile and an obvious love for the Lord and a true gift of leadership.  She is being trained by FH to become a community leader and it was certainly evident.  Jesus was shining His light through her!  I asked if I could take her picture to remember her face for always.  She then asked if I could send her one.  I hope it will get to her, I plan to mail it to Guadalupe.  Thank you dear Jesus for putting this beautiful woman in my path today.

All morning I saw several butterflies flitting around.  As I left Aurora's home, the colorful butterflies comforted my heart with the feeling of God's presence.  I felt Him whisper Hope on my heart for this community.  I was able to leave with a comfort of His power and love which was such a difference from when I arrived this morning.  The butterfly has new meaning to me and my life...

We left that side of the community to head to the feeding station for lunch and VBS.  I got to see and embrace my boy, Wilberth! He was so eagerly awaiting our arrival!  There were many hugs, high-fives, and giggles... a common language for us!  During craft time the kids made prayer bears with cotton stuffing.  They were each given a Bible verse for the day, written in Spanish, to put into the tummy pocket of the bears!

It was the hottest day yet... WOWSERS!!!  A special treat awaited us.  So, it was time to leave. We gathered in our van and Wilberth ran to the other side to continue waving and high-fiving Bryce.  He didn't want us to leave today.  How, oh how, do we say good-bye to this sweet boy tomorrow?!?!

We pulled away and took a small drive. To the surprise of our kids, we arrived at the Pacific Ocean for an afternoon swim!!! Children filled with joy, took off for the BIG waves!!! We had the beach to ourselves. I took some time to take in the moment.  Being in Nicaragua... making a difference in a community... being filled with a FULL heart... looking at the enormous volcano in front of me... and waves behind me with giggles in the air... I am grateful to be here!  Blessed beyond measure...

At devotions tonight, Jairo spoke about the attitude of the Nicaraguan people.  He stated that the people have a "why bother?" attitude.  They're not happy, not even content, but this is how it is, so why bother.  My heart has been on such a rollercoaster today.  Started off very heavy and worked up to joy and hope but now brought back down.  I'm resting on the encouraging words that I started my day with yesterday...

May the God of Hope fill you with all Joy and Peace as you trust in Him.  Romans 15:13

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed reading about the butterflies (mariposas) and how God used them to speak to you of a hope for this community.
