Saturday, July 21, 2012

An Upcoming Adventure!

While in Cincy last weekend, I worshipped with my Aunt and Uncle at their church.  I'm certain that it was no coincidence that I was meant to hear that sermon!  It was titled... Adventure!  The sermon took us to an amazing adventure in the Bible with Cornelius and Peter in Acts 10.  Cornelius wasn't a believer in Christ, but he was seeking God and was reverent and generous.  Therefore, God sent Peter to tell Cornelius about Christ.  During this adventure Peter was called to the table with Cornelius.  According to Jewish law, certain foods were forbidden to be eaten.  The food laws made it difficult for Jews to eat with Gentiles without risking defilement.  In fact, the Gentiles were often seen as "unclean."   Peter had a vision that meant he should not look upon the Gentiles as inferior people whom God would not redeem.  Before having the vision, Peter would have thought that a Gentile Roman officer could not accept Christ.  Afterwards he understood that it was his responsibility to go into a Gentile home and tell Cornelius the Good News of salvation in Jesus Christ!

Like any great adventure story, there is always conflict just around the corner.  When Peter brought the news of Cornelius' conversion back to Jerusalem, the disciples were shocked that Peter had eaten with the Gentiles.  Can you imagine the reaction... "What in the world has Peter done now?" "What trouble has Peter generated for us?" "Who does Peter think he is?"  Moving into Acts 11, we see that even the disciples couldn't believe Peter would gather with the Gentiles.  These were people that had walked with Jesus!  However, once Peter began to explain, the Holy Spirit took root.  When they heard his story, they too believed that even those impure, unclean, contaminated people could come to Christ and be saved!

As I thought about my upcoming trip to Nicaragua, these were the words that were pressed on my heart during the message...
Peter's dream was inviting him, challenging him, to be different.  God was asking Peter to move from comfortable to courageous.
When we go out of our comfort zone, it can be exhilarating!  If we are not willing to experience some fear in life, then we won't have the opportunity to feel the exhilaration and joy!  
If we always choose to stay in the safety mode in life, we'll never experience what it's like to live an adventure.    
We need to be willing to take the seeds that the adventure provides for us and be willing to allow God to use them deep in our hearts to help them begin to grow our character... to change our lives for the better, to look more like Him!
We love adventure stories because an ordinary person is willing to step outside their comfort zones, strap into the ride of his/her life, somehow through all of that, the world becomes a better place!!!

The sermon concluded with these questions...
Who in your world is that unwanted, impure, or unclean person or people group?
Who in your world is God calling you to pray about, to think differently about?
What adventure is God asking you to go on?
Will you step out?  
Will you take a risk?  
Will you move from your comfort zone to see what God wants to do in your life?

Wow!  The Lord is preparing me to head off to the mission field!  For those of you that don't know, I am co-leading our first FAMILY Missions Team to Nicaragua from August 4-11th.  Braydon and Bryce will be going with me to serve in the community of El Pourvenir, and yes, they were sitting next to me during this sermon!  The exciting part is that we will be meeting our sponsored child, Wilberth!  As the date is nearing, I have many emotions... yet I am so confirmed that I am doing exactly what the Lord has called me to do!

We would greatly appreciate your prayers during our ADVENTURE!  If you are willing, please pray that we would be willing to step out of our comfort zone and into the adventure that He has waiting for us.  That He would plant the Holy Spirit deep into our souls so that we might continue to change and impact this community for the good of Him!  Thank You!!!

We are also seeking financial support to take the three of us out of the country.  If you feel it on your heart to support us, please send donations to...
Emmanuel Community Church
c/o Shandra Hathaway
12222 West Jefferson Blvd.
Fort Wayne, IN  46814

We'll keep everyone posted along our ADVENTURE...

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